Monday, 1 August 2011

Minor setback - SSD drive sais no

Ok, I was GOING to post about integrating BeEF (Browser Exploitation Framework) and Metasploits Browser Autopwn to create a horrible mess of browser-based evilness... I was half way through writing it up when suddenly, everything ceased working. So I tried a reboot. "No bootable media". WTF.

So I cracked the Acer open and found that indeed, my SSD drive had seemingly *cooked* itself, and it was fucking ROASTING hot. It was removed for the sake of safety, and I am booting from USB now.

I am waiting to get a replacement hard disc (later today) and then will do TWO writeups, one on WEP cracking the lazy mans way (Gerix) and another on either BeEF or some features of SET or something. I will also retake some screenshots of browser-autopwn, fun with those Netopia Routers (what does this command do?) and a few other things.

Also, photos of insides of the Acer for the hell of it lol, and a shot of my toolkit I used to pry it open in College.

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